Aug 2022
The Prevention, Suppression, and Treatment of CancerJulie Anne Lee, DCH RCSHom This is the second article on my notes taken for Canine Cancer. If you would like to see the first one, please go to our Blog https://beastieboutique.com/nobody-wants-to-talk-about-it-canine-cancer/ and read the first one. HOW YOUR DOG’S EMOTIONAL STATE IMPACTS HIS HEALTHCancer isn’t just linked to your dog’s physical world. Your dog’s stress and emotions (which are strongly linked to your own) can be precursors to the development of cancer and can be a factor in its progression. When negative emotions are suppressed,......
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Jul 2022
These are notes taken from my online class – Canine Cancer The Prevention, Suppression, and Treatment of Cancer Julie Anne Lee, DCH RCSHom INTRODUCTION Two main causes of canine death 1. Cancer 2. Skin Disease – The number one reason for elected euthanasia CANCER IN THE BODY Does your dog actually get Cancer? There are multiple causes of cancer in dogs and most dogs already have cancer cells in their bodies. It takes a trigger though to activate those cells. MAIN CAUSES OF CANCER – TRIGGERS Vaccinations: The leading external or environmental......
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Jul 2022
Just a short newsletter this week to keep you updated on what is going on. GROOMING We are still short-staffed but we are taking bath dogs and have daily appointments available. Walk in services are Tuesday thru Friday 10 to 2. It is always best to call first to make sure we can take care of your pet. You can also call the front as the grooming department can be quite noisy and they may not initially hear your call. We are actively seeking a groomer and have hired another bather, she......
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Jul 2022
It’s hot and sticky across most of North America at this time of year. Dogs feel the heat too, so many people with furry double-coated breeds wonder “should I shave my dog for the summer?” The quick answer is, no, you shouldn’t shave your dog in summer. And this doesn’t just apply to super-furry Northern breeds, but to other double-coated breeds as well. Herding breeds like Aussie Shepherds, Border Collies and Shelties are double-coated. So are Golden Retrievers, Labradors, Springer Spaniels, Newfoundland’s, Bernese Mountain Dogs and many more. You shouldn’t shave any......
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Jul 2022
The Problem“My dog guards his food like it’s the Hope Diamond. How can I get him to chillout? The ProMichael Shikashio is a certified dog-behavior consultant and dog aggressionexpert in Noank, Connecticut. Why your Dog Does ItThis is called “resource guarding,” and it’s totally normal. It can get worse if yourtry to squash it by snatching away his kibble. After all, you’d be pretty peeved ifyour server kept grabbing your plate at a restaurant. How to Fix ItDogs are naturally inclined to protect their food—that instinct serves them well inthe wild—but they......
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Jun 2022
We all try to make the best choices for our pets and their diet. During these times of uncertainty andyour budget is tight, there are ways you can take even a dry food diet and make it better. In an idealworld, if we never had to feed a dry food kibble to our pets that would be optimal. But if you have tobecause you have multiple dogs or large dogs, then here are some tips to make their diet better.First start off with the best quality dry food that fits within your......
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Jun 2022
It has been awhile since I have written a newsletter. So this first one will not be my typical article, but one to keep our customers posted as to what has been going on with Beastie Boutique and our upcoming changes.First, we would like to show our appreciation to those who have supported us (and other local business) and have been patient during these past few years of some very challenging times.As you have probably seen, staffing in most businesses has been tough. We as well are not unaffected. Our grooming department......
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May 2021
(Even though this article is written with dogs in mind, Vitamin C can be very beneficial for cats as well). As your dog ages, their body starts to fail. They won’t get as much nutrition out of his food. Their liver won’t be able to push out as many toxins. And their brain will begin to slow down. That’s why senior dogs need a boost as they age. It helps them to get what they need to live a healthy and comfortable life. So, let’s look at 5 important supplements you should consider......
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Apr 2021
As your dog ages, their body starts to fail. They won’t get as much nutrition out of his food. Their liver won’t be able to push out as many toxins. And their brain will begin to slow down. That’s why senior dogs need a boost as they age. It helps them to get what they need to live a healthy and comfortable life. So, let’s look at 5 important supplements you should consider giving your senior dog. Prebiotics and Probiotics Digestive Enzymes Antioxidants Vitamin C Omega 3 Fats AntioxidantsAs your dog gets older,......
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Apr 2021
(Even though this article is written with dogs in mind, Enzymes can be very beneficial for cats as well). As your dog ages, their body starts to fail. They won’t get as much nutrition out of his food. Their liver won’t be able to push out as many toxins. And their brain will begin to slow down. That’s why senior dogs need a boost as they age. It helps them to get what they need to live a healthy and comfortable life. So, let’s look at 5 important supplements you should consider giving......
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