K-9 Alternative Medicine Oil

K-9 Alternative Medicine Oil
Our payment processor for the online store prohibits any of its customers from using the proper abbreviation for this oil (CeeBeeDee oil). So we will use Alternative Medicine Oil instead for any written information on our website. Same with (TeeH-Cee) so we will use extra high products instead.
Recently, we noticed Beau was having back pain so I took him to the vet and we discussed his options.  I told the vet that I didn’t want to just put him on pain killers (due to their side-effects) but wanted to look at some alternative treatments/medicine.
I agreed to start him on Tramadol and Rimadyl just to relive his pain while we explored other options.  We did start acupuncture.  After several treatments, Beau started anticipating the pain and the Dr. and I discussed if acupuncture was best for him and maybe try some other types of treatment.
Between appointments, I came across some K9 Alternative Medicine Oil I had for Bailey when she had cancer as it was suggested by her holistic vet.  I knew it was good for pain so I started giving it to him.  I have since taken him off the Tramadol and Rimadyl and he got through his last two acupuncture appointments without any problems.
Since Beau did so well on the Alternative Medicine oil, I have since brought it into the store.  It can be given to both cats and dogs.
Though we cannot claim Alternative Medicine oil will cure your pet of any one thing, here are some common benefits that people and pets have experienced using Alternative Medicine oil:
  • Reduce pain
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Helps with separation anxiety, mood disorders, stress, and anxiety from fireworks grooming, car rides, panic, obsessive
    behavior, and socializing with other animals or people.
  • Minimizes or stops seizures
  • Treats cancer (and associated pain and symptoms)
  • Heart conditions and associated symptoms
  • Pancreatitis to stimulate appetite calm inflammation and reduce anxiety associated with the disease.
  • Musculoskeletal issues, joint/muscle pain, hip dysplasia, trouble walking, and arthritis
  • Palliative Care for Cancer and other serious diseases
  • Quality of Life at the end of life, supportive during hospice care.
  • Trauma and the accompanying emotional and mental side effects.
  • Appetite stimulation.
Because Beau did so well with it, I discussed it with my vet as an option for pain control and she said that vets in Washington State could not recommend Alternative Medicine oil as a treatment or supplement. Even though she was highly impressed with how well Beau was doing on it.
If you have any questions, please feel free to come in and see me.
Kristina 360-574-6400

 Disclaimer –  Kristina McLeskey is not a Veterinarian.  These are just general guidelines.  If you have any concerns about your pet’s health, please see your veterinarian


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