The Prevention, Suppression, and Treatment of CancerJulie Anne Lee, DCH RCSHom

Restoring balance in your dog is the first step in dealing with cancer. This class will explore how conventional medicine that is suppressive in nature can trigger or hasten cancer. You want to create balance, both emotionally and physically, and this class will show you the natural options that can support healing.

Now we are going to look at something that might actually be holding you back and that’s fear. Julie Anne asks us, “If types of cancer cells are always somehow present and the human body has a cell death of 50- to 70-billion per day—and we generate 40- to 50-billion new cells every day, how do we know that the growth and death of those cancer cells have not come and gone or ebbed and flowed through our bodies as the natural balance constantly occurs?”

What stops us from believing as soon as any diagnosis is made that the body, given the tools, cannot just simply regain that balance? 

This is where fear and worry come in. If there is too much attachment to the fear of someday getting a diagnosis of cancer or with the actual diagnosis itself, it can slow down the body’s ability to regain balance. This can happen when we fearfully choose a drug with detrimental side effects or from creating cellular havoc from chronic stress or worry. So it’s not just about the body being in fear, it’s actually about the choices that we make. 

Try to let the fear around the word cancer to go. There is something to be said for being focused versus unfocused. There is time for research and education, and there are times that we just need to be in a place of knowing that it’s going to be okay, no matter what that looks like and realizing that you are doing your best. We need to try to let go of the fear around the word “CANCER”. 

How can the body regain its health if the mind and heart are in so much fear that they keep it out of balance?
Every symptom that your dog expresses, in Julie Anne’s opinion, has the chance of causing chronic-disease imbalance which equals cancer. 

Let’s focus now on balance instead of cancer. Imbalance is the root of all chronic disease, not just cancer. What are the contributing factors to imbalance? Julie Anne believes suppression is the root of and the main cause of cancer. 

Example #1: Vaccines suppresses natural immune response. So, if we suppress and imbalance instead of actually dealing with it, you have the perfect storm for cancer to thrive.
What is an imbalance and how do we suppress it? So if we look at chronic disease as an imbalance, whether it is cancer, Cushing’s disease, skin disease, or inflammatory bowel disease, etc. The list goes on. Chronic disease begins with symptoms. The body’s way of speaking to us is to show us symptoms. Urinary tract infections, diarrhea, itchiness, ear infections—all those symptoms are saying, “I’m off balance.” It’s the body’s way of speaking. Then when we “Treat” (which is in major quotes there) it’s because, most the time, what we are doing is suppressing the symptoms. It doesn’t truly go away; it just merely pushes it down and creates a much bigger problem. 

Let’s look at steroids mixed with antihistamines, let’s think of the symptom, like itchy skin, being a leak in the pipe. Then we think of the steroid as duct tape. The duct tape is applied and miraculously, the pipe stops leaking, or the itching stops. But underneath that tape, the actual hole is getting bigger and bigger. The steroids run their course, the tape comes off and there is an explosion of the disease. More steroids are used, and then heavier drugs or thicker tape is applied. Instead of the hole getting bigger, the water pressure needs to find another outlet. It then goes deeper into the body, traumatizing or attacking an organ or the immune system. This can then cause an autoimmune disease or become a trigger for the passive cancer cells to react. 

Let’s look at antibiotics. Something has already created an imbalance, attacking your dog’s already weak immune system and allowing an infection to grow. The idea is that we give antibiotics to kill the infection, which it does. But additionally it kills the defense mechanisms in the gut that fight infection. The gut is responsible for 80% of your dog’s immune system—leaving your dog’s immune system exponentially weaker and more susceptible to far more dangerous bacteria, viruses and diseases, leading to chronic disease and triggering cancer.

Let’s look at non-steroidal anti-inflammatories for a hypothetical injury. In this case, white cells and inflammation are not a bad thing. It’s the body’s natural response to injury. Giving non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) stops the inflammation and the pain, but then your dog runs around on the injured leg creating deeper pathology at the injury site. Not including the side effects of NSAIDs on the GI tract, liver and kidney. 

If we catch the imbalance and try to correct it at the same time, instead of just band-aiding, duct taping, or pushing it to a deeper level, we can try to avoid the chronic disease which may come. So how do we do that? 

  1. Choose the natural route. Find a holistic vet now before it is a deep-seated disease. Ask around or check the internet to guide your search.
  2. Try to avoid steroids. If skin issues arise, gently deal with the viral load and yeast by using enzymes and herbs. Heal the gut with pre- and pro-biotics and more herbs. Healing the foundation of the immune system is vitally important. 
  3. With any infections, try to avoid antibiotics. Depending on where the infection is, there is a wealth of information on the internet. For topical infections, use homeopathic remedies like Hepar Sulph and Silicea internally, and goldenseal poultices applied externally, which can reduce the need for antibiotics. 
  4. Urinary Tract Infections. Homeopathic remedies like Cantharis and Pulsatilla and giving D-Mannose, cranberry, N-Acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc). 
  5. Try to avoid NSAIDs for injuries. You can use homeopathic remedies like Arnica, Aconite, Ruta, and Rhus tox.  Also good are supplements like turmeric, and Dimethylglycine (DMG).

This is the time to arm yourself with knowledge:

  1. Take courses and/or buy books to guide you in home treatments.
  2. Support the entire support system, and try to derail side effects and suppression if you must use drugs. Don’t just treat the symptoms and then stop there. This is really important. Not everyone will have all of these resources at their fingertips. What Julie Anne is trying to help us understand is that if just drugs are used, it doesn’t mean that the disease is gone. She is expressing the importance of actually addressing the root cause of what caused the symptoms in the first place.

For example, if you give an antibiotic for a urinary tract infection, you have to then rebalance the gut. You must rebalance gut flora with pre- and pro-biotics in order to strengthen your dog’s immune system for future encounters with bacteria. Then use products like D-mannose, cranberry and N-Acetylglucosamine if a drug has been used. And just because the symptoms are gone it absolutely does not mean the situation has resolved. It’s vital to remember that. 

Do your best, nothing is perfect. Balance is not even perfection, it is a moving target. It goes in and out and then you bring it back to balance again. It ebbs and flows and it is constantly moving so don’t beat yourself up. Understand it is a process. So long as you are moving along with your processes, then you are on the right path.

It’s when the body gets stuck, or symptoms are suppressed or removed, that the system can’t naturally regain its healthy flow. But if you are aware of it, and mindful of the process, you can assist in the recovery. Balance can be regained if you act proactively as much as possible.

So let’s just recap this quickly:

  • Find a homeopath to treat constitutionally, to maintain a strong vital energy before your dog gets sick.
  • Use enzymes to reduce chronic systemic inflammation and yeast
  • Feed fresh, real food and take care that it comes from healthy sources
  • [Give ] Adaptogenic herbs to balance stress, antivirals, antioxidants, good fats, fresh air
  • Give lots of exercise, lots of play and tons of interaction, plus offer mental and physical stimulation
  • Try to be present in your time with your dog, be connected and just love them

Believe me, you can’t go wrong. If you can follow the guidelines laid out here, Julie Anne says she can guarantee there won’t be any side effects.  



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