The Prevention, Suppression, and Treatment of Cancer

Julie Anne Lee, DCH RCSHom

This article is being typed from her class video. When using the word, “I,” it is refereeing to Dr. Julie Anne Lee. If you have any questions about what she is prescribing, please seek out a holistic vet. I am not a vet and I am not prescribing any medications holistic or otherwise to you.  


Cancer can be scary, but you have to remember to focus on what’s important. Your dog needs you to protect and support him emotionally and physically.

One of the simplest things that I would like to try and hit home with you guys—I don’t have to teach you, you all know it—it’s really hard to do sometimes, but it’s so important no matter what the outcome is–and that is try and focus on his life or her life—NOW when he or she has cancer. Don’t focus on cancer; don’t focus on the disease, focus on the life that you still have. And the way to try to do that is to try to keep their life as regular as possible with play, walking in the fresh air, cuddling. 

Let them tell you what they can and cannot do. If there are days that they are lethargic, take them for a car ride. Don’t just freak out and go, “Oh my gosh, they’re too sick to go outside.” They could well be too sick to go for a walk but they may not be too sick to get in the car, open the windows to get fresh air and just go for a car ride. And watch their friends play. Read them a story. Sit down and read them a story. Tell them all the amazing things that they brought to your life. And write them down in a journal and tell them you will never ever forget them. And when they are gone, whether that is in four days, four months or four years, every time you think of all those things, they’re going to be right there beside you.

I just get so emotional just talking about this. I’m not being lighthearted in this. I’m being true to myself, true to you by saying that when we get so scared and so disconnected, I can’t tell you how many times, even with myself and how many patients who have sat across from me and said, “I just wish I spent more time with him. I just wish I was less scared and less panicky and just wished that I was there” 

But you can tell them that you’re scared. I’m not saying don’t be scared, because it’s scary. But when you are not scared don’t be scared. When you are not sad, don’t be sad. But be present. If you’re scared, tell them you’re scared. If you are happy about all the amazing times you can remember with them and all the grateful moments you have had together, tell them that too. Because it is all of that journey that you are going to be left with. 

There is going to be moments—I’ve been around so much of this; I’ve been around so many cancer cases and sick and dying animals—there are moments where it’s still really, really beautiful. And just try and remember those moments. Try and be in those moments. It is a journey. It is a journey, and it’s a journey you can choose how you want to be in. And just take big deep breaths and know that you are not alone and they’re always going to be with you. 

And I thank you so much for taking the time to complete this course, and I thank you so much for the amount of love that you have for your dogs. Ya, just thanks very much.  

Julie Anne Lee earned her DCH in 1997 and RcsHom in 2002. She was a pioneer in opening and owning the first licensed strictly holistic veterinary clinic in Canada, the Adored Beast Veterinary Clinic. Julie Anne regularly teaches and lectures to veterinarians. Her life’s purpose is to educate the public at large, empowering them to make the best choices for ethical treatment and a naturally holistic approach to their animals’ health.

