Are you offering your dog a lifestyle that promotes suppression or prevents it? Suppression and oxytocin impact your dog more than you might think. It’s important to let your dog be a dog. Two out of every 3 dogs will get cancer and suppressed emotions are a big part of that. Free will, suppression and repression have a lot to do with this.
Suppression and Oxytocin
So how is it actually affecting your dog? Why are dogs getting so much cancer? Cancer is on the rise with people as well for all the same reasons, including stress. But why are the statistics with people at38.5%, yet with dogs 66% (2 out of 3). That’s a big difference.
There is one really distinct difference that has happened to dogs and cats in the last 50 years that is not the same for people and that is Free Will, Suppression, and Repression.
Not only is cancer on the increase, but so are dogs. There is no way that we cannot look at the increase of dogs being part of urban society. Who doesn’t want to have a dog? Who doesn’t want to have that love connection and that unconditional love. But because of that therefore gone are the days of dogs doing dog things.
We simply cannot ignore dog’s emotions playing a big part in their health as well as with people. The separation of mind and body doesn’t exist. It’s how we got the term “Holistic Medicine” as said before. We all look at species appropriate diets; we’re all out there going, “Let’s do raw food. What is the best thing for our dogs to be eating that mimic what they would have been eating 100 years ago.” We get that, right? Because it is on a physical plane. But who is looking at species appropriate lifestyle and the lack thereof?
If we are using the analogy that dogs have not genetically evolved into eating dry kibble, the same holds true that 50 years ago dogs ran around the neighborhood having sex, fighting, playing wildly, hunting, and she says she can actually affirm to this because she was actually there.
Now they’re trained to be as perfect as they possibly be. They are not allowed to do the one thing that’s the most natural to them, which is sniff another dog’s bum or the crotch of humans. I know this sounds ridiculous to us; it should because we are human. This is your dog’s way of processing really, really important information. It is just one example, but an important example of emotional suppression. But what else is there that is a little less canine? The average dog is left alone a large part of the time—totally unnatural because they are pack animals. The average dog gets far, far less exercise and playtime then what they actually need to vent their emotions and create joy which equals again, suppression.
Our dogs are sponges with our emotions. She actually had an epilepsy case. The dog is epileptic and he is under amazing care with neurologist and internal medicine specialist and they couldn’t stop the seizures. She took the case on and found out the family has a son. He is an adult son with some major mental health issues. Did some really good remedies; got the dog off the drugs, but again the dog was still seizuring, not as bad, but still seizuring. When we actually supported the family, in the ability to understand the dog’s connection with the outrage that was happening with the son and once we alleviated that in a really amazing way, the actual seizures stopped. And the pet parent of this dog really wanted me to share that because she couldn’t actually believe the connection of the seizures with their emotional connection to their son’s outburst. So just even something like that is something that really took to listen and to think about. How our dogs really are emotional sponges.
She wants people to think about this really seriously. If you could never really get mad at your partner or just tell someone to piss off or go and workout at a gym, blow off steam. Or even worse, holding your joy until it was convenient to express. How many times have you gone to get the leash and your dog just loses it? They tear around, they start to bark. Then what? She knows, she gets it, people are in apartments, but most of the time, they are not really reprimanded but they are trained or conditioned or encouraged to sit and have their quiet voice on. Or just to calm down until they get to the park. We are actually suppressing their joy in that moment.
If they can’t even get excited to go out for their limited time to play or to socialize, something that they look forward to all day, then they get to the park and then what happens? They still have to have dog manners. They can’t go around. They can’t jump up on people. I know this sounds intense, but it kind of is intense and its things we can work on. We can just be aware of.
So how do we prevent emotional suppression leading to chronic disease or cancer? You would think it would be an easy one. But in this age of optimization, it really isn’t. Think about it. If part of the cure or the prevention of cancer is to simply take time, disconnect from social media and truly connect with your dogs, how many people do you think could or would actually do it?
First of all, the unconditional love we have for our dogs, gives us the strength to step outside our own fear of acceptance and fight for the true cure for cancer. Just the fact that you guys are becoming stronger and less suppressed has such a positive effect on your health and inevitably your dog’s health too.
Second, the hormone connection. She just knew this had to be there. And that is cancer prevention with Oxytocin. Oxytocin has been dubbed the “Love Drug—the feel good hormone, the hug hormone, the cuddle chemical, the moral molecule.” It has been described as the most amazing molecule in the world.
What it really is, is a neuropeptide that inhibits stress induced activity at the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and is increasingly becoming recognized for its role in bonding, socialization, and stress relief. This hormone has the ability to decrease cortisol, blood pressure, inflammation and pain. It’s used to treat anxiety, post-traumatic stress, depression, debilitating shyness, social anxiety and mood disorder. But now extensive medical research is looking into its role in cancer prevention.
Research shows that in vitro, which means a study of cells in a test tube or under glass; Oxytocin inhibits proliferation or growth of the neoplastic of cancer cells of either epithelial, mammary, endometrial, nervous, or bone origin all expressing Oxytocin receptors.
The Australian National University is looking into using oxytocin as a therapy in lung cancer. Which, one in every 28 people are diagnosed with and is the number one cause of death in that country.
Another study showed that oxytocin production in premenopausal non lactating women might be protected against high rates of mitotic breast cell division—which is the stage and numbers of cancer cells dividing in the breast.
So, the Healing Gaze, as I call it, oxytocin is produced naturally through the gaze a mother has with her infant or her sexual partner in a monogamous species. This gaze interaction or loop is what activates production of oxytocin in the attachment or bond. This bond has always been researched within species that share social cues and recognition of a particular partner—example, humans—until now. In 2015, a Japanese study published by the American Association for the of Advancement of Science concluded that we have an oxytocin mediated positive loop with our dogs. They are similar to the one that exist with the gaze between a mother and her infant. It is mediated by an eye-to-eye connection.
The study determined that oxytocin levels increased in both humans and dogs leading to the deepening of mutually relationship in interspecies bonding. She has always known that. And any single one of you that have looked at the eyes of your dog and had that deep, deep feeling. You have known it as well.
We didn’t really need a study to tell us. So again, nobody needs to know from a research paper to what it really feels like to connect with our dogs.
How he or she reacts to laughing. Especially if they know it’s them making you laugh. We also know what they look like when you are sad, angry or frustrated. The problem is that they give us so much unconditional love no matter what we were in so it is not easy for us to pay attention to our own stuff. So if we are all truly doing this coarse and getting as much training as we possibly can because we want the best for our dogs, then we need to be honest with ourselves.
What do you really believe will really make your dog healthier and happier? Going for a walk, playing on the floor in your apartment, spending time truly engaging with them or spending hours online looking for ways to cure cancer. Which of those two do you think is healthier? Physically and mentally for you?
You’ve got this. All you really have to do is take them out more. Let them play more. Book play dates. Even play in the house. Take 10 minute breaks while your dinner is cooking or working on your computer and just play with your dog.
Get creative. To them every minute more of play, exercise and connection is so appreciated. Just let your hair down, act like a kid, be silly, tell them a story. Look into their eyes. But whatever you do, putdown your phone while you’re doing it. Be connected with them; be in the moment with them. Don’t stress about it though. That is the last thing she wants you to do. It’s the last thing your dog wants you to do. Just start with baby steps. We are all so busy, so caught up with our phones and work. Just take tiny little baby steps. An extra two minutes a day and just keep adding to it.
So why do we have these amazing connections with our dogs? There are a million reasons. On some level they ground us, they teach us, and give us unconditional love. They are our best buddies on the planet to teach us to be present in an era of constant multitasking and filling every second of every day.
She believes in her core that they are in our lives to teach and help and cure us. She cannot even begin to tell you the thousands of clients whose lives and lives of their families have turned around by the action to save their dog thereby reflecting on their own lifestyle. What if that’s the reason? What if one of the reasons more dogs are getting cancer is to make all of us more aware of what we need to do for ourselves. And at the same time to find answers to help our dogs.
There is never an answer without first being a question. And it sounds again like maybe just like it is really out there, but it isn’t. If you could sit where she sat with the amount of patients she has seen and the amount of people she has seen where she can look back and reflect. Just even the epilepsy case. Because of the love and dedication to help their dog, their lives and their son’s life is completely changed. If they didn’t love that dog and if you guys didn’t love your dogs, the way you do, they wouldn’t have been there.
So it is really something to think about—Are dogs getting more cancer, so that we can all stand back and see why is cancer evening happening. Therefore actually helping us and our dogs
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