Monthly Archives: August 2023

Aug 2023

When our dogs have allergies, we tend to go to our vets for the solution. But here are some of the problems with traditional ways to treat allergies.  Why Conventional Drugs work and why they Don’t Work Allergy symptoms happen when your dog’s immune system misfires. This causes your dog to react to things in his food or environment that are normally safe. The drugs vets give suppress important parts of your dog’s immune system. This might reduce your dog’s reaction to allergens, but it disables his immune system. This means cancer cells, viruses and......

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Aug 2023

I will often get phone calls or someone coming in to the store whose dog may not be feeling well and they want to know what to feed. First, if your dog is sick, don’t force him to eat. Let them fast for 12 to 24 hours. Then start small with easy to digest foods and feed smaller amounts more frequently.  But if your dog has an underlying medical condition like diabetes, always check with your veterinarian before changing his diet. And if your dog isn’t eating at all for more than 24 hours,......

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