Aug 2022
The Prevention, Suppression, and Treatment of CancerJulie Anne Lee, DCH RCSHomLETTING THE FEAR GO AND CREATING BALANCE Restoring balance in your dog is the first step in dealing with cancer. This class will explore how conventional medicine that is suppressive in nature can trigger or hasten cancer. You want to create balance, both emotionally and physically, and this class will show you the natural options that can support healing. Now we are going to look at something that might actually be holding you back and that’s fear. Julie Anne asks us, “If......
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Aug 2022
Are you offering your dog a lifestyle that promotes suppression or prevents it? Suppression and oxytocin impact your dog more than you might think. It’s important to let your dog be a dog. Two out of every 3 dogs will get cancer and suppressed emotions are a big part of that. Free will, suppression and repression have a lot to do with this. Suppression and OxytocinSo how is it actually affecting your dog? Why are dogs getting so much cancer? Cancer is on the rise with people as well for all the......
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Aug 2022
The Prevention, Suppression, and Treatment of CancerJulie Anne Lee, DCH RCSHom This is the second article on my notes taken for Canine Cancer. If you would like to see the first one, please go to our Blog https://beastieboutique.com/nobody-wants-to-talk-about-it-canine-cancer/ and read the first one. HOW YOUR DOG’S EMOTIONAL STATE IMPACTS HIS HEALTHCancer isn’t just linked to your dog’s physical world. Your dog’s stress and emotions (which are strongly linked to your own) can be precursors to the development of cancer and can be a factor in its progression. When negative emotions are suppressed,......
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